Mobile Web Development

Building Mobile Web Experiences

So you've heard mobile is kind of a big deal, and you're not sure how to transform your traditional desktop-focused web apps into fast, effective multi-screen experiences.

This course is designed to teach web developers what they need to know to create great cross-device web experiences.

This course will focus on building mobile-first web apps, which will work across multiple platforms including:

  • Android,
  • iOS,
  • and others.

Register for the launch

What will I learn?

After completing this class, you'll have built a web application with a first-class mobile experience.

You'll understand what it takes to:

Who will teach me?

Some of the world's leading web developers.

Chris Wilson Course Instructor Peter Lubbers Course Instructor Sean Bennet Course Developer

Mobile. Why should I care?

It is huge. Everywhere.

Data from StatsCounter

Country Desktop share Tablet share Mobile share
India 32% 1% 67%
GB 69% 13% 18%
US 69% 9% 22%
China 86% 4% 10%